Good day all!! Blessed day of the Dead. Today is the last day of the festivities in Mexico surrounding the day of the dead. Yesterday we honoured, remembered and welcomed the children, the little angels that went before us. Today we honour the adults that have crossed the veil. Today on the day of Aj we look at our family and the communities basic needs and make sure they are being met.
Aj is the Reed, the cane field, the cornstalk. It is the staff of life, our back bone. A staff is given to the Mayan Ajq'ij to lead with. It symbolizes the noble authority, strength, and leadership on an earthly level. It reminds us that good leadership does not seek the limelight, but seeks to benefit its family, the community, and the greater good of all. Today the tone #4 brings with it stability, balance and support.
Hope you all had a Blessed Day
Candle was lit and offerings were made
Nana Claudia Ix Balam Kame