The Small MEDIUM at Large

A Spiritual Destination

StoneHeart is a spiritual sanctuary where authentic self-expression and healing thrive in a setting of stunning natural beauty. Guests often feel the land’s energized, restorative qualities, making it the perfect place to rest, celebrate, and explore spirituality. Surrounded by the breathtaking Canadian Shield, StoneHeart offers peaceful retreats, forested camping with mossy beds, and a safe space to connect with nature and yourself.

Our supportive community hosts health-focused events and gatherings from spring to fall, creating opportunities for sharing, healing, feasting, dancing, and drumming around the fire. Ideal for retreats, weddings, or film sets, StoneHeart invites you to experience its magic. Volunteers are always welcome to help grow and improve this special place—join us to share ideas, connect, and contribute to our little slice of paradise.

About Us

StoneHeart is run by Claudia Valdes and James Hobson. We have been stewards of the land since 2015. We came together in love and friendship for Mother Earth. Stoneheart was born out of a desire to explore a sustainable living alternative. Claudia Valdes is a psychic medium with more than 30 years professional experience. She is an initiated Mayan wisdom keeper. James Hobson has more than 30 years experience as a fire keeper and Nature Elder Messenger. Together they create a wonderful opportunity for guests to grow, learn, and develop their own relationship with Spirit and the Land.

We have:

  • A 9-ring walking labrynth;
  • An Ancestor Altar;
  • A Mayan Messa;
  • A Fairy Trail;
  • Camping spaces with fire pits;
  • Fruit Trees;
  • A Spring-fed Well; 
  • Solar Power;
  • DJ Booth

Our Events

Payment can be made via email transfer or paypal at

Woodland Awakening Gathering

The Woodland Awakening Gathering, held annually at the end of May or early June in Coe Hill, Ontario, is a celebration of nature's renewal and community connection. Enjoy a potluck dinner, the annual Sumbel ritual with mead toasts, and the beauty of rough camping in a serene woodland setting. Join us to honor the gods, celebrate rebirth, and build new friendships.

Cost: $50 per person (seniors and children under 16 free).

Summer Solstice

The Summer Solstice Weekend at StoneHeart, held annually in Coe Hill, Ontario, offers a profound experience with a Mayan Sacred Fire Ceremony to honor nature, the Creator, and the 20 Nawals. This is a time for spiritual transformation, releasing old patterns, and embracing the sun's energy to inspire change and connection. Participants are encouraged to bring sacred offerings, drums, and rattles, and to follow Indigenous protocols by wearing skirts (for women). A potluck follows the ceremony for shared community connection.

Cost: $30 per person for the ceremony, $60 for the weekend. Proceeds support elders' travel and ceremonial materials.

Autumn Earth Gathering

Come Celebrate the harvest!! We have a lot to be thankful for. We are sure you do as well. Come join us in this Celebration of giving thanks for the harvest. It is a time of glorious bounty, a time to feast and dance around the fire.There is no better way to enjoy fall and all the beautiful colours. Come fill your body and soul with warmth, music and friendship to see you through the winter. ​ There will be a potluck dinner.

$60 per person for the weekend.

StoneHeart Rules & Regulations

We share the land with many creatures and visitors… four leggeds, two leggeds and flyers. These rules are intended to facilitate a peaceful and joyful experience for all.

  • No aggressive, sexually aggressive or inappropriate behaviour will be tolerated. Anyone acting with disrespect to the land or its visitors will be asked to leave without refund.
  • Parents are responsible for their children (under the age of 18) at all times.
  • Please respect the art, shrines, and sacred spaces. Do not alter them. Do not create new spaces without express permission from Stoneheart Administration.
  • Please do not litter. And please pick up any litter you may find.
  • Please do not photograph visitors without their prior and clear consent.
  • Absolutely no recording devices, phones, cameras, computers, Ipads, or laptops permitted at the fire pit.


StoneHeart, its residents, staff or volunteers will not be held responsible for any liability, including but not limited to, accidents, lost articles, injury or theft.

Please remember that this is private land. We reserve the right to evict anyone breaking the above rules, and/or anyone causing danger or disruption of any kind, immediately and without refund.

Fire Rules

  • No Glass at the fire pits.
  • Campfires are restricted to the existing fire pits and must be attended at all times. It is not permitted to dig or create any additional fire pits.
  • Due to Ontario regulations, firewood from outside the immediate vicinity is not permitted on-site. This is to stop the spread of Emerald Ash Borer and Asian Longhorn Pine beetle.
  • Please make sure fires are completely out before leaving the area.
  • If the season is unusually dry, it may be necessary to restrict use. Check posted signs for conditions.

Contact Us

We would love to speak with you. Feel free to reach out using the below details.

Get in Touch
